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                                     Visit: 247 SPE / ZURSperanza, Chinwe I Box 144, Nanyuki............................0622 031342Spice Garden Spice Garden Premises, Mount Kenya Rd, Nanyuki.................0774 865801Sportsman%u2019s Arms HotelOff Kenyatta Rd, Nanyuki............. (062) 203 23 48 .......................................0724 336499Storms Resort & CampsiteNyeri ............................................0202 670224 .......................................0775 877209Suera Flowers Ltd Nyahururu .......0652 032000Suleiman, Zacharia W Box 127, Nyahururu.........................0652 032810Summer Gardens - Nanyuki Nanyuki ........................................0721 212121Sun Butchery Kenyatta Hwy, Nanyuki.....................0622 032283Suraj, Noushad Ali Box 1072, Nanyuki ..........................0622 031808Suyian Ranch Ltd Nanyuki...........0622 032370Sweet Waters Chemist Kaka Hse, Market Rd, Nanyuki...........0722 210994Sweetwaters Tented Camp Sweetwaters Tented Camp Premises, Off Nanyuki/Rumuruti Rd, Nanyuki ........................................0734 699852TTafaria Castle & Country Lodge Off Nyeri/Nyahururu Rd, Nyahururu..........0700 151480Tama, Ismail Mohammed Box 48, Nanyuki..............................0622 031259Tambuzi Ltd Tambuzi Farm, Mutamaiyu Farm,Burguret,Naromoru, Nanyuki..............0722 716158Tamtrout Ltd Nanyuki ........................062 62059Teresian Carmelite Miss Sisters Nanyuki ........................................0622 032742Terminal Enterprises Nyahururu Boston Hse, 2nd Flr, Nyahururu .....................................0652 032383Thaitinga, Rosemary Box 1476 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032040The Boma Project Buttsons Plaza, 1st Flr, Kenyatta Ave, Nanyuki......................0208 009959The Coffee Shack The Coffee Shack Premises, Kenyatta Ave, Nyeri .........................0702 689163The Equator Chalet Ltd The Equator Chalet Ltd Bldg, opp KCB Bank, Kenyatta Hwy, Nanyuki ........................................0726 775571The Scribe Media Tekeleso Bldg, 1st Flr, Nyahururu............................ 0734 381130Theche, Ruth G Box 2060 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 022255Theuri, L Wachira Box 558 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032200Theuri, Leonard W Box 558 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 022192Thiga, Loise M Box 505 Dol Dol, Nanyuki..................0622 032151Thimo, John Box 450 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032054Thiriku Pharamacy Plumar Hse, Hospital Rd, Nyahururu ........................065 32262Thompson Falls Sports Camp & Hostel Naivasha...............................050 50927Thomson%u2019s Falls LodgeThomsons Falls Lodge Premises,  Nyeri Rd, Nyahururu......................0652 022104 .......................................0700 415719Thuku, Joseph Njaku Box 1516, Nanyuki ..........................0622 032297Thumbi, Simon N Box 618, Nanyuki............................0622 032037Thungu, Wangari T Box 631 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032306Thuo, Dorothy Wanjiru Box 1997 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032217Thuo, Grace K Box 154 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032677Tiandah, Cecilia Wangui Box 1272 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 022448Timau Stores Nanyuki.......................062 21020Timothy%u2019s Hardware & General Shop Lumumba St, Nanyuki............ 0711 250470Topchoice Maternity And Nursing Home Gr Flr, Hospital Rd, Nanyuki...............0622 031644Trekks, Mountana Box 245, Nanyuki............................0622 032731Tropic Air Ltd Nanyuki Airstrip, Nanyuki ..................0722 207300Trout Tree Restaurant Barguret River, Nanyuki/Kiganjo Rd, Narumoro ......................................0726 281704Tuni, Esther M Box 780, Nanyuki............................0622 032540Turu, John N Box 530 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032564UUnison Sacco Society Ltd Unison Plaza, Kenyatta Hwy, Nanyuki ........................................0622 031969United Stores Nanyuki .................. 0622 031158Upper House Properties Lumumba Rd, Nairobi ......................0741 770767VVajora Traders Ltd Nyahururu.......0652 022230Vanguard Auto Spares Off Laikipia Rd, Nanyuki....................0622 031678Vital Camel Milk Ltd Vital Camel Milk Premises, Railway Estate, Narumoro.................0720 926841Vjthalbhaj, Patel Surendra Box 1801, Nyahururu .......................0652 032097WWa Wahiu, Mutah Box 933 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032648Wachira, D K Box 22609 Igwamiti, Nyahururu.........................0652 032100Wachira, Duncan K Box 407, Nyahururu.........................0652 032319Wachira, Florence W Box 1719 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032328Wachira, Francis M Box 1224, Nyahururu .......................0652 032616Wachira, Immaculate N Box 834 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032976Wachira, Dr J M Box 698, Nyahururu.........................0652 022078Wachira, Jane W Box 1161, Nanyuki...........................0622 031232Wachira, Lydia Wanjiru Box 1335, Nyahururu .......................0652 032419Wachira, Mary Box 50 Igwamiti, Nyahururu...............0652 032813Wachira, Monicah Box 1311, Nyahururu .......................0652 032939Wachira, Mwangi Peter Box 1886 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032002Wachira, Ngamau Box 1280, Nyahururu .......................0652 032363Wachira, Ngamau Box 1280 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032096Wachira, Patrick K Box 453 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032987Wachiuri, John Box 50, Nyahururu...........................0652 022920Wachungu, Charity Box 51, Nanyuki..............................0622 032058Waguo, Justus N Box 1077, Nyahururu .......................0652 022064Wagura, F K Box 60840, Nyahururu......................0652 032670Wagura, Joseph Box 28, Nyahururu...........................0652 032123Wagura, Peter Waweru Box 805, Nyahururu.........................0652 032799Wahihwa, Elizabeth Nyambura Box 479, Nanyuki............................0622 032675Wahome, Daniel M Box 1019, Nanyuki ..........................0622 032614Wahome, Joel K Box 422, Nanyuki............................0622 032617Wahome, Joseph Box 273, Nanyuki............................0622 032295Wahome, Virginia W Box 1 Igwamiti, Nyahururu.................0652 032378Waichanguru, Naftali G Box 1170 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032748Waiguru, Michael M Box 299, Nanyuki............................0622 031410Waigwa, J Ndegwa Box 15, Nyahururu...........................0652 032961Waikwa, Boniface M Box 326 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032477Wainaina, John Kamau Box 1407, Nyahururu .......................0652 022007Wainaina, Miriam Box 81, Nyahururu...........................0652 022991Wainaina, N G Box 631 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 022156Wainaina, Samuel T Box 933, Nyahururu.........................0652 032399Wairago, Patrick K Box 865, Nyahururu.........................0652 032125Wairagu, Patrick K Box 865 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 022125Wairegi, James M Box 1373 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032651Waita, James Wangombe Box 1630, Nyahururu .......................0652 032776Waithaka, Catherine W Box 15 Igwamiti, Nyahururu...............0652 032004Waithaka, Paul Mburu Box 888, Nanyuki............................0622 032636Waithaka, Samuel Karogo Box 373, Nanyuki............................0622 031287Wakaba, Thomas N Box 536 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 022282Wakanyi, John G Box 962 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032444Wakarani, Njogu Box 2020 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032027Wama Hardware & Sons New Market Bldg, Nanyuki ................0622 032334Wambugu, Francis M Box 65, Nyahururu...........................0652 022964Wambugu, Joram Box 13 Igwamiti, Nyahururu...............0652 032165Wambugu, Joseph N Box 394, Nanyuki............................0622 032517Wambugu, Joseph N Box 1 Igwamiti, Nyahururu.................0652 022287Wambugu, Lucy K Box 1689 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032088Wambugu, Rose Muthoni Box 648 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032990Wambugu, Samuel Thuku Box 62, Nyahururu...........................0652 032286Wambugu, Wachira Komu Box 132 Rumuruti, Nyahururu ............0652 032542Wambui, Millicent Box 1724 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032725Wambui, Rachel Box 40 Igwamiti, Nyahururu...............0652 032654Wamithi, Irene Box 506, Nyahururu.........................0652 032101Wamucii, Mary Box 12 Igwamiti, Nyahururu...............0652 032556Wamucii, Susan W Box 250, Nanyuki............................0622 031730Wamugunda, William Box 1825, Nyahururu .......................0652 032608Wamugunda, William Box 393 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 022864Wanderi, Peter Solomon Kagira Box 214, Nanyuki............................0622 032550Wanderu, Gabriel M Box 52959, Nyahururu......................0652 032951Wandeto, David Mathenge Box 275, Nyahururu.........................0652 022993Wangai, Daniel K Box 796, Nyahururu.........................0652 032009Wangai, Jane Gathoni Box 799, Nanyuki............................0622 031296Wangari, Milka Box 500, Nanyuki............................0622 032508Wangombe, James R Box 161, Nyahururu.........................0652 032526Wangu Investment Co LtdNanyuki/Meru Rd, Nanyuki................0202 032542 .......................................0717 749799Wangui, Jane Box 157 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032699Wangui, Ruth Box 324, Nyahururu.........................0652 022756Wanjau, John W G Box 1782 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032576Wanjau, Rufus Thairu Box 1406, Nyahururu .......................0652 032859Wanjiku, Gladys Box 1364 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032406Wanjiku, Grace K Box 42, Nyahururu...........................0652 032956Wanjiru, Charity Box 2 Igwamiti, Nyahururu.................0652 032982Wanjiru, Julia Kingi Box 44, Nanyuki..............................0622 032378Wanjohi, Alice M Box 1113, Nanyuki...........................0622 032853Wanjohi, Francis W Box 12294 Nyeri, Nanyuki.................0622 032993Wanjohi, James M Box 44, Nyahururu...........................0652 032958Wanjohi, Leonard Box 1287 Igwamiti,  Nyahururu ...................................0652 032621Wanjohi, M W Box 412, Nyahururu.........................0652 032965Wanjohi, Martin M Box 144 Dol Dol, Nanyuki..................0622 031345Wanjohi, Peter K Box 244 Dol Dol, Nanyuki..................0622 031887Wanjohi, Susan M Box 1117, Nyahururu........................0652 032717Wanjuki, Gathi Gitonga Box 1646, Nyahururu .......................0652 032296Wanya, John K Box 1853 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032716Wanyeri, Mary W Box 2041, Nyahururu .......................0652 032315Wanyoike, Elizabeth W Box 342 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032013Waruguru, Peninah Box 961, Nyahururu.........................0652 032897Waruta, Charles Kamau Box 88 Rumuruti, Nyahururu..............0652 032126Warutere, Martin Mwarari Box 1108, Nanyuki...........................0622 032836Water Resources Management Authority Water Resources Management Authority-Nanyuki, Opp CMC, off Nanyuki/Meru Rd, Nanyuki............0720 515522Watuthu, John T Box 2027 Igwamiti, Nyahururu............0652 032466Watuthu, John Thuku Box 2027, Nyahururu .......................0652 032270Waweru, Daniel Kariuki Box 241, Nyahururu.........................0652 032206Waweru, Edith Njeri Box 835, Nanyuki............................0622 031401Waweru, Francis K Box 131, Nanyuki............................0622 032665Waweru, Geoffrey M Box 153, Nyahururu.........................0652 032254Waweru, James K Box 684, Nyahururu.........................0652 032941Waweru, Jane W Box 1961, Nyahururu .......................0652 032285Waweru, Jane W Box 15 Igwamiti,  Nyahururu ...................................0652 032499Waweru, John K Box 342 Igwamiti, Nyahururu .............0652 032756Waweru, Linet Njambi Box 57, Nanyuki..............................0622 032843Waweru, Lucy W Box 1448, Nanyuki ..........................0622 031945Waweru, Patricia M Box 1550, Nanyuki ..........................0622 031085Waweru, Robert Kinanga Box 1792, Nyahururu .......................0652 032903Weru, James M Box 131, Nanyuki............................0622 032275Weru, John Komu Box 2049, Nyahururu .......................0652 022370William Holden Wildlife Foundation Forest Station Rd, Nanyuki................0723 420407Wiskam Agencies Nyahururu .....................................0652 032473Wokabi, Mugweru Box 7, Nyahururu ............................0652 022680World Vision Nanyuki Nanyuki ........................................0622 031961YYegon, Ecla Box 50 Igwamiti, Nyahururu...............0652 032934ZZ.E Timber Nanyuki....................... 0622 031171Zur-Technology Nanyuki ........................................0622 032734
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