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WAN / BIR 324 YELLOW PAGES ON THE WEBWanyoike, Daniel Box 16530, Nakuru..........................0512 216040Wanyoike, Irene N. Box 143 Gilgil, Naivasha .......................050 50834Wanyoike, John C Box 7022, Nakuru............................0512 216047Wanyoike, Joseph Makau Box 104, Nakuru ............................. 0512 211764Wanyoike, Paul Kirika Box 2802 Nakuru, Naivasha ..................050 50889Wanyoike, W Jane Box 2111 Bahati, Nakuru.....................051 851304Wanyonyi, Rodgers Wanjala Box 1610, Naivasha.........................0502 021234Wanyonyi, W Benjamin Box 924 Bahati, Nakuru ......................051 850902Wariadho, D O Box 3038, Nakuru............................0512 213371Waringa, Alice R Box 306, Elburgon...............................051 31081Waronja, George G Box 270 Njoro, Nakuru .....................0512 217957Warugongo, Lucy N Box 16375, Nakuru.......................... 0512 211049Waruhiu Construction Ltd Nakuru/Nairobi Hwy, Nakuru ..............0512 210336Warui, Karuiki Box 79, Molo .............051 721020Warui, Oscar Wamutte Box 400 Gilgil, Naivasha .......................050 50495Warui, Dr S N Box 2922, Nakuru............................0512 212153Waruiru, Joseph W Box 3208, Nakuru............................0512 215699Waruiru, Peter K Box 2012, Nakuru............................0512 210021Warutere, Grace Wangui Box 653, Nakuru ............................. 0512 211434Wasike, Clement Box 15811, Nakuru ..........................0512 214822Wasili Section 58 Shopping Centre, Nakuru/Nairobi Hwy, Nakuru ..............0736 709709Wasilwa, Hellen Box 61, Nakuru...............................0512 214752Wason, Sham S Box 14557, Nakuru..........................0512 213896Wasonga, L Nancy Box 607, Nakuru .............................0512 210480Wasonga, Meshack O Box 1680, Nakuru............................0512 212737Waswa, Stephen L Box 301, Nakuru .............................0512 213988Watene, Simon M Box 14340, Nakuru..........................0512 215938Watenga, Titus K Box 525, Molo ..................................051 721394Water & Sanitation Services Nakuru.......................................... 0512 211417Watetu, Margaret Mbugi Box 1274, Naivasha.........................0502 020651Wathiai, Benson Karuku Box 12953, Nakuru..........................0512 212551Wathiga, Ann Mwihaki Box 12545 Nakuru, Naivasha.................050 50697Wathigo, Allan Box 1740, Nakuru............................0512 215898Wathigo, J G Box 611, Nakuru ........0512 215920Wathigo, James Ki Box 937, Naivasha ..........................0502 020120Wathiomo General Agencies Nakuru.......................................... 0512 211494Wathuta, Mwangi Box 536, Nakuru .............................0512 217144Watson, D D Box 456, Gilgil ...........0504 015469Watukha, Gladys Box 2681, Nakuru............................0512 210993Waweru, Absolom W Box 399, Molo ..................................051 721576Waweru, Alex K Box 1955 Bahati, Nakuru ....................051 850146Waweru, Alice W Box 13389, Nakuru..........................0512 214551Waweru, Annie Wanjiru Box 1279, Naivasha.........................0502 021487Waweru, Emily W Box 1761 Bahati, Nakuru ....................051 851735Waweru, Grace Wanjiru Box 195, Nakuru .............................0512 212627Waweru, Ireri Zachary Box 10234, Nakuru.......................... 0512 211633Waweru, James Mwangi Box 553, Naivasha ..........................0502 030260Waweru, Jeremiah Robi Box 2003 Nakuru, Naivasha ..................050 50615Waweru, John Box 3219, Nakuru............................0512 212572Waweru, John Mbugua Box 7257 Bahati, Nakuru ....................051 850258Waweru, Joram M Box 393, Naivasha ..........................0502 020921Waweru, Josiah N Box 398, Molo ..................................051 721409Waweru, Lucy Njoki Box 553, Naivasha ..........................0502 020720Waweru, Magdaleen W Box 1076, Nakuru..............................051 850541Waweru, Magdalen Muthoni Box 3825, Nakuru............................ 0512 211957Waweru, Margaret N Box 12401 Nakuru, Naivasha.................050 50735Waweru, Margret W Box 2527, Nakuru............................ 0512 210511Waweru, Naphtali Gitau Box 246, Naivasha ..........................0502 030458Waweru, Peter Kariuki Box 10356, Nakuru..........................0512 212653Waweru, Peter Ndirangu Box 591, Nakuru .............................0512 215273Waweru, Stanley G Box 515, Molo ..................................051 721096Waweru, Stanley Kimani Box 1103, Naivasha.........................0502 030207Waweru, Zakayo Maina Box 13595 Nakuru, Naivasha.................050 50716Waza, Patience Wacharo Box 16321, Nakuru..........................0512 212366Wedd, L A G Box 525, Naivasha ..........050 50069Wei Secondary School Subukia Rd, Subukia........................0725 299896Wekulo, Teresia Mumbua Box 61, Nakuru...............................0512 216151Well Spring Girls School Nakuru/Gilgil Hwy, Gilgil....................0726 817346Wells-Springs Marketing & Estate Management Pinkam Hse, 2nd Flr, Rm 10F, Mburu Gichua Rd, Nakuru.................0710 855742Wema Technical Services Nakuru..........................................0512 212741Wendo, D N Box 444, Nakuru .........0512 214620Wenyaa, Dr Jane NyikuriRiva Business Centre, 3rd Flr, Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru ....................0512 212138 .......................................0722 782309Were, Frank Jackson Box 3967 Bahati, Nakuru ....................051 851233Were, Judith Box 1816, Nakuru .......0512 215453Weru, J S M Box 9559 Bahati, Nakuru ....................051 851058Weru, Wilberforce Ngure Box 12032, Nakuru..........................0512 212697Werugia, Caren Box 2391, Nakuru............................0512 214324Weskem Auctioneers Nyamakoroto Bldg, 4th Flr, 407, Biashara St, Nakuru.........................0710 704200West Commercial StoresBaringo Hse, Pandit Nehru Rd, Nakuru .......................................0512 216622Pandit Nehru Rd, Nakuru ..................0721 607002Wester Pump Services Nakuru..........................................0512 213241Westmount College Highway Towers, Geoffrey Kamau Way, Nakuru ............0726 965477Westside Annex Guest Hse Westside Mall, Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru.......................0734 169665Wheat Board of Kenya Nakuru.......................................... 0512 211832Wheatfields Education Complex Nakuru/Eldoret Hwy, Nakuru ..............0723 278503White, Peter Box 31, Gilgil..............0504 015267White Silver Auctioneers Chege House, opp Bontana Hotel, 1st Flr, 18, Tom Mboya St, Nakuru .................................................0722 486478White Stone Comm Agencies Nakuru..........................................0512 215377Wigg, C A Stone Box 62, Gilgil.......0504 015408Wild Nomad Limited, Nakuru .......0512 215780Wild Routes of Kenya Ltd Subukia ........................................0735 469925Wildfire LimitedMoi South Lake Rd, Naivasha ................050 50416 .......................................0722 204669Wileli House & Wildlife Conservancy Wileli Hse, Moi North Lake Rd, Naivasha.......................................0707 156146Wiliams, Josephine Box 10414, Nakuru..........................0512 212267William, John Kimani Box 14185, Nakuru............................051 850096Williams, John M Box 1685, Nakuru............................0512 210927Winks College of Hairdressing & Beauty Opp Valley Hospital, Nakuru West......................0725 697668Winks Palour Ltd Nakuru .............0512 213608Wins Fire AppliancesOpp Railway Yard, General Kago Rd, Nakuru .......................................0512 214868 .......................................0722 389892Women Empored Link Biashara Plaza, 2nd Flr, Biashara St, Naivasha.......................................0502 020438Women Entrepreneur Training Network (WENET) Nakuru.........0512 217700Womuka, Amwayi A Box 688, Nakuru .............................0512 213495Wonder Stores Shop Molo............051 721318Woolmart Ltd Woolmart Supermarket Nakuru, Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru.......................0512 212041Word of Life Christian Church Opp National Oil Petrol Station, Kirinyaga Rd, Nakuru West................0721 531499World Global Automobile Accessories Ltd Hyrax Complex, Next to Co-operative Bank, 1st Flr, 23, Geoffrey Kamau Way, Nakuru Central(CBD) .......................0721 342159WV.Consultancy Moi South Lake Rd, Naivasha ............0502 020264Wxz-500 Resma Plaza, Gr Flr, Rm 10, Moses Mudavadi Rd, Nakuru .............0734 686868YYagut, Said Box 1066, Nakuru ......... 0512 211300Yahya, Y S Box 91, Nakuru .............0512 214269Yale, Hellen M Box 131, Nakuru ....... 051 851129Yangah, Moses N Box 14929 Bahati, Nakuru...................051 851059Yappan, Palani B Box 700 Ahero, Nakuru.....................0512 210415Yatich, David Box 2857, Nakuru............................0512 215509Yatich, K Box 3887 Bahati, Nakuru ....................051 851692Yator, Philomene J Box 13395, Nakuru............................051 850492Yegon, Richard Box 324, Naivasha ..........................0502 020250Yellow Green Hotel LtdYellow Green Hotel Ltd premises, Moi South Lake Rd, Nakuru.............0202 043544Yellow Green Hotel Ltd premises, Moi South Lake Rd, Naivasha ..............................................0710 442581YELLOW PAGES KENYA APPBox 10810-00100 NairobiEmail: info@yellowpageskenya.comWebsite: www.yellowpageskenya.comFor Upto DateDirectory ContactsLog on to www.yellowpageskenya.comMitsumi Business Park, 8th Flr, Muthithi Rd Dial (020) 275 10 00 Nairobi Dial (020) 780 07 01 NairobiYias Company Co Ltd Nyamakoroto Bldg, Shabaab Area, Nakuru..........................................0512 215401Yogi Supermarket Mosque Rd, Nakuru.........................0512 212619Youjays Insurance Brokers Ltd Bucs Premises, General Mathenge Rd, Nakuru ....................................0735 999919Yusuf, Dekar Box 1530, Nakuru............................0512 212784Yusufali, A M Box 745, Nakuru ........0512 214543ZZ N Commercial Agencies Pioneer Plaza, 1st Flr, Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru..........................................0512 212327Zablon, J H Box 7221 Bahati, Nakuru ....................051 851505Zaesco Restaurant Biashara Rd, Naivasha .....................0721 495098Zakayos Hotel Race Track Estate, Nakuru................ 0512 211315Zakharia Drapers Ltd Morop Bldg, Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru.......................0512 214627Zameer, Mohammed Box 16092, Nakuru..........................0512 214628Zaveri Fancy Store Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru.......................0512 217271Zebedees School Ltd Naivasha .......050 50427Zed Agencies Nakuru ...................0512 213932Zees Electrical & Computer Stationeries Nakuru ....................0512 214320Zep Investments Ltd Vickers Hse, Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru .....0512 214494Zillian Park MotelBaringo St, Nakuru ..........................0202 195654 .......................................0703 879088Ziwa Bush Lodge Ziwa Bush Lodge Premises, Kokoto Rd, Nakuru ..........................0707 698822Zum Zum General Store Pandit Nehru Rd, Nakuru ..................0512 217330Zwager Hans & JuneMoi South Lake Rd, Naivasha ............0502 020695 ....................................... 0734 511616NANDIAA I C Christian Literature Department Nandi, Kapsabet........0535 252237A I C Kapsabet Bible College Kapsabet/Eldor et Rd, Kapsabet.........0535 252332Abdul, S Jamal Box 21 Baraton, Kapsabet.................0535 252177Aboki, Wilfred Omari Box 360, Kapsabet ..........................0535 252252Aldai Fashions Shop Main St, Kapsabet...........................0535 252101Aldai Girls B Primary School Nandi Hills .....................................0536 643102Aldai Girls Secondary School Nandi Hills .....................................0536 643154Alex K & K A Keter Kapsabet........0535 252577Aligula, Peter C Box 116, Kapsabet ..........................0535 252599Arnersens High School Nandi Hills .........................................053 35242Asai Farmers Shop Mosoriot..........053 833076Asis, Albert J M Box 313 Baraton, Kapsabet...............0535 252189Austria, Jesse Role Box 2500, Kapsabet.........................0535 252228BBaba Hardware & General Store Ltd Kamobo Bldg, Main St, Kapsabet...........................0535 Kapsimotwa Rd, Nairobi....................0725 216999Baraka Dental Asai Complex, Eldoret/Kisumu Rd, Kapsabet.......................................0701 468878Baraton College Kapsabet Rd, Kapsabet....................0725 556120Barngetuny, Samuel K Box 7, Mosoriot.................................053 833035Barno, Eunice Chelagat Box 306, Kapsabet ..........................0535 252385Barno, Jonathan K Box 4541 Ainabkoi, Mosoriot................053 833017Bayeta, Benedicto A Box 2500 Eldoret, Kapsabet ..............0535 252037Bett, Charles Kipkoech Box 372 Kapsabet, Nandi Hills ...........0536 643045Bett, David L Box 81737 Mombasa, Nandi Hills............053 35005Bett, Julius Kiprob Box 946, Kapsabet ..........................0535 252461Bett, W K Box 213 Baraton, Kapsabet...............0535 252249Bhanubhai, Jignesh Patel Box 1345 Eldoret, Nandi Hills.............0536 643031Birech, Hillary Kipsang Box 1023 Kapsabet, Nandi Hills..............053 35210