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GENERAL INFORMATION 3 INLAND EDITIONBusiness/Commercial Customers are listed by the Business Names. One free entry in respect to the Business name, Physical Address, and Telephone Numbers will be allowed for every Business Customer. Other entries may be made on payment of the relevant fees. YELLOW PAGES (CLASSIFIED LISTING) Section contains customers exercising an economic activity. It is organised in alphabetical%u0009order%u0009by%u0009classifi%u0009cations%u0009(Class%u0009Titles)%u0009according%u0009to%u0009the economic or business activity, and alphabetically within the Class Title.In this section one free entry in respect of business Name, Physical Address, Telephone Numbers and Mobile Phone Numbers will be made for every business Customer.For more details please contact:- MARKETING DEPARTMENT Kenya Postel Directories Ltd Telephone 2751000, 020 7800701 Email: Website: DIRECTORY LAYOUTThe Directory has four sections, namely:-1. General Information2. Government Section3. Alphabetical Listing4.%u0009 Yellow%u0009Pages%u0009(Classifi%u0009ed%u0009Listing)%u0009The GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION contains information that will assist the customer in making the best use of the telephone service.The GOVERNMENT SECTION contains telephone numbers of all Government Ministries and relevant branches and sections.The ALPHABETICAL LISTING contains Private and Business Customers names in the region covered by this directory, listed alphabetically. Private Customers are listed by their surname followed by their initials%u0009and/or%u0009fi%u0009rst%u0009names.%u0009 Kamji,George Other Box 18336 Mwingi, Machakos ............(044) 49 22 13The Offi%u0009cial%u0009 Yellow%u0009 Pages are published by Kenya Postel Directories Ltd, which is a registered Company in Kenya. The name %u201cYellow%u0009 Pages%u201d, the %u201cWalking%u0009 Fingers%u201d logo, this directory and the Maps are registered by Kenya Postel Directories Ltd. No part of this directory may be reproduced and/or made public by%u0009means%u0009of%u0009print,%u0009photocopy,%u0009microfi%u0009lm,%u0009or%u0009by%u0009any%u0009other%u0009means,%u0009without prior written permission from Kenya Postel Directories Ltd.This indicates that the telephone exchange is located in MachakosThis indicates that the Postal Box is in Mwingi GENERAL INFORMATION ADVERTISING IN THE DIRECTORYCustomers may advertise in the Directory on prior arrangements with Kenya Postel Directories Ltd. For more information please contact: Kenya Postel Directories Ltd Sales Department, Telephone 2751000, 020 7800701 Mobile: 073 120111, 0728 607729. Email: Website: OMISSION OF ENTRYThese%u0009are%u0009normally%u0009referred%u0009to%u0009as%u0009Ex-Directory%u0009or%u0009Confi%u0009dential%u0009numbers. Customers%u2019 names may be omitted from the Directory at their request and subject to agreement by Telkom Kenya. Such requests should be addressed to the nearest TELKOM KENYA TELEPHONE SALES OFFICE.This Directory is published every year in the month of August. Customers are advised that the particulars may be incorrect at the time they receive the Directory, due to the ever changing nature of customers contact details. KENYA POSTEL DIRECTORIES LIMITED and / or TELKOM KENYA LIMITED will not be held liable for the consequences of any advertisement publication or listing in so far as the same affect the rights of the advertiser or any third party. For all enquiries relating to change of customer contact details, contact your nearest TELEPHONE SALES, TELKOM KENYA.ABOUT THE DIRECTORY