Page 177 - Demo
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                                     Visit: 175Korir, Dr Richard C Box 25932 Mchumbi Rd, Litein...............052 54450Korir, Ruth Box 42, Kericho ............. 0522 030611Korir, Thomas K Box 2030 Cheborge, Kericho ............. 0522 032116Korir, Titus A Box 223 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 021268Korir, Wesley Box 75, Kericho.........0522 021210Korongoi Girls School Litein............052 54412Korongoi Primary School Litein ................................................052 54286Koros, John K Box 45, Kericho .......0522 021932Koros, Philip Box 52 Sotik, Kericho.......................0522 032091Koruma Primary School Kericho .........................................0522 031539Kosilei, Wilson Kipyegon Box 32, Litein .....................................052 54471Koske, Charles C Box 1955 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020019Koske, David K Box 74 Sotik, Kericho.......................0522 030295Koske, F A Box 537 Cheborge, Kericho...................052 72029Koske, George K Box 218 Kericho, Menengai...................051 40003Koske, James K Box 112 Sosiot, Menengai.....................051 40414Koske, Johana K Box 46842 Nairobi GPO, Kericho.......................0522 020579Koske, K William Box 855, Kericho.............................0522 020238Koske, Kipkurui Box 56 Sosiot, Menengai ......................051 40403Koske, Kipsoi A Box 587 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030246Koske, Pascalia C Box 1001 Cheborge, Kericho .................052 72245Koske, Rael C Box 14 Sosiot, Menengai ......................051 40295Koske, Weldon Kiprono Box 808, Kericho.............................0522 020678Koskei, Annah C Box 60 Oloomirani, Kericho ...............0522 032093Koskei, George Kimeli Box 216, Kericho.............................0522 020088Koskei, Gilbert M Box 587, Kericho.............................0522 021673Koskei, K K Box 887, Kericho..........0522 020054Koskei, Paul C Box 1450 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020226Koskei, William K Box 532 Molo, Kericho .....................0522 020291Koskey, Andrew F K Box 266 Cheborge, Kericho...................052 72219Koskey, George K Box 1569 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020024Koskey, Jack Melly Box 171, Kericho.............................0522 030610Kuley, Sammy K Box 1106 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030520Kumal Agencies Kericho...............0522 021512Kuria, James M Box 1910, Kericho ...........................0522 030344LLaboso, Jonah K Box 252 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020653Langat, Andrew K Box 3, Kericho................................0522 030287Langat, Andrew Kimutai Box 154, Kericho.............................0522 021304Langat & Associates Sansora Bldg, Kenyatta Rd, Kericho .......................0722 736922Langat, Benard C Box 20, Kericho ..............................0522 030292Langat, Charles Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 031341Langat, Cheruiyot K Paul Box 200, Litein....................................052 54085Langat, Daniel K Box 379 Cheborge, Kericho...................052 72212Langat, David C Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 032072Langat, David K A Box 1853 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 021005Langat, Eric K Box 579 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020525Langat, Festus Box 171, Bomet ..............................0522 022267Langat, Gilbert Box 83 Kipkelion, Londiani ....................052 64470Langat, Henry Box 88 Kipkelion, Londiani ....................052 64224Langat, Joel K Box 2158 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020622Langat, Johana K Box 838, Kericho.............................0522 031515Langat, Joseph C Box 2027 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020069Langat, Kipngetich Benard Box 2120, Kericho ........................... 0522 030116Langat, Laurence K Box 1695, Kericho ...........................0522 030230Langat, Rael C Box 284, Kericho.............................0522 020363Langat, Robert K Box 3154, Kericho ...........................0522 020754Langat, S K Box 326, Kericho..........0522 020772Langat, Samuel Box 78 Kericho, Litein ..........................052 54045Langat, Samwel K Box 91, Kericho ..............................0522 030176Langat, Sarah Box 19, Litein ..............052 54447Langat, Zakayo K Box 98, Kericho ..............................0522 020214Langat, Zephaniah K Box 163, Litein....................................052 54037Langat, Zephaniah K A Box 15, Litein .....................................052 54053Lasoi, Selina C Box 2030 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030667Laureen Chebet Keter Kericho .... 0522 021102Leachy Enterprises Kericho .........0522 020266Leplep, Francis Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 030514Lessan, Lily C Box 2026 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030498Litain Central Chemists Chebore Rd, Kericho........................0725 882761Litain Chemist Ltd Tegutwo Plaza, Kericho .................... 0711 438259Litein Agrochem Litein .....................052 54445Litein Chemist Sotik/Kericho Rd, Litein ........................ 052 54411Litein East School Litein ..................052 54063Litein Mini Supermarket Litein ........052 54202Litein Tea Factory Company LtdSotik Rd, Kericho ............................0202 342948 .......................................0710 714137Litein Tea Factory -Tea Extension Office Litein.....................................052 54297Litein Total Service Station Litein ................................................052 54014Londiani Dairy Farmers Group Londiani............................................052 64218Londiani Girls School Londiani ........052 64032MMacharia, Joseph Matu Box 125, Kericho.............................0522 030079Macharia, Samson Box 1105 Cheborge, Kericho ............. 0522 021171Maddineni, Dr Subba Rao Box 268, Kericho............................. 0522 032112Maende, Dr Josphine Auma Kericho .........................................0722 704231Magdani, Harilal Box 431 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020305Mahendra, Patel C Box 55, Kericho ..............................0522 031540Maili Ishirini Traders Co Ltd Temple Rd, Kericho .........................0522 031323Maina, Edwin Njoroge Box 399, Londiani................................052 64260Maina, Jeremiah K Box 565 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030177Maina, Joyce W Box 305 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 031318Maina, Pamela A Box 10 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 020442Maina, Paul Ndirangu Box 1662, Kericho ...........................0522 021059Maina, R W Box 1473, Kericho ........ 0522 030113Maina, Rosa Box 1707 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030508Maina, Simon Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 030067Makeshkumar, Patel Jashbai Box 2151, Kericho ...........................0522 031534Makhulu, Sophie Chebet Box 1357, Kericho ...........................0522 021998Makhulu, Sophie Chebet Box 1496, Kericho ...........................0522 020998Makokha, Dr Barasa B Box 1574, Kericho ...........................0522 031536Makokha, Brenda B Box 2181 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020502Manjeet, Bachu K Box 239 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030574Manpro Engineering ServicesKIE Shed-Kericho, Stadium Rd,  Kericho.......................................0522 032046 .......................................0722 337853Mansukhlal, Rajesh K Box 443, Kericho.............................0522 030652Mansuklal, Rajesh N Box 443, Kericho.............................0522 031529Manyara, Jesse Box 305 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030664Maosa, Elizabeth M Box 298 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020609Marindany, Catherine J Box 288 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030338Marindany, John Box 438, Kericho.............................0522 030203Marindany, Paul K Box 1845 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030374Marita, Henry O Box 1493 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 021262Maritim, Alice Chepkemoi Box 1497, Kericho ...........................0522 030577Maritim, Andrew K Box 1497 Cheborge, Kericho .................052 72079Maritim, Christopher Box 6 Chebunyo, Kericho..................0522 020857Maritim, Emmanuel Kipngeno Box 1863, Kericho ...........................0522 020236Maritim, Eric Cheruiyot Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 020809Maritim, Henry C Box 70, Kericho ..............................0522 030172Maritim, Johana Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 030581Maritim, Joseph Box 55 Sosiot, Menengai ......................051 40210Maritim, Mathew C Box 1775 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020521Maritim, Rael K Box 400, Kericho.............................0522 032135Maritim, Selina C Box 859 Kericho, Menengai...................051 40041Maritim, Susan Box 1863 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 032177Marusoi, Livingstone Box 493, Kericho.............................0522 020745Masai, Frank M Box 960, Kericho.............................0522 021676Maseri, Betty Chepkurui Box 1636, Kericho ...........................0522 030155Maseri, Esther Tapnyole Box 1636, Kericho ...............................052 72269Matayo, Kiprop Chumo Box 11 Sosiot, Menengai.......................051 40242Matingwony, Andrew K Box 2023 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030602Matingwony, Sally Box 84 Kericho, Menengai.....................051 40446Mativo, Gerald Makuu Box 2140, Kericho ...........................0522 021925Matui, Kimilgo A Box 869, Kericho.............................0522 021888Mau Tea Multi-Purpose Co-op Society Ltd Kericho.....................0723 754488Mausa, Elizabeth W Box 1337 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020299Mavoko, Moses Box 430, Kericho............................. 0522 031102Mavoko, Moses M Box 20 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 020220Mayora, Nyakundi Box 360, Kericho.............................0522 032133Mbatia, Stephen G Box 246, Kericho.............................0522 030193Mbeche, Samson Bosire Box 619, Kericho............................. 0522 020911Megam Pharmaceuticals Megam Pharmaceuticals Bldg, Tengecha Rd, /Kenyatta Rd, Kericho .................................................0722 335518Meisura, Jayanti N Box 676, Kericho.............................0522 032095Meli, Philiph Kiprotich Box 218, Kericho............................. 0522 021114Mellkos Printing Systems LtdKericho .........................................0202 415480 .......................................0722 764739Mibei, Elizabeth C Box 1211 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 021023Mibei, Kiplangat Box 102, Kericho.............................0522 021254Mibei, Richard K Box 550, Kericho.............................0522 032062Mibei, Samwel K Box 240 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 032166Mid-West Hotel Nakuru/Kericho Hwy, Kericho.............0522 020613Miira Building Contractors Ltd Kericho .........................................0522 030191Miira, Julius W Box 985 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030587Milgo, Anne C Box 2004 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030254Milgo, Elijah T Box 4, Litein.......................................052 54494Mimani Enterprise Kericho ...........0723 089786Misoi, Jonah Box 1211 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030625Misoi, Julie Box 79, Kericho ............0522 030241Misoi, Kuthii Rose Box 54 Roret, Litein .............................052 54027Mitei, John K Box 1177 Cheborge, Litein ....................052 54016Mitei, John Kipyegon Box 1566, Kericho ...........................0522 021614Mitei, Joseph Kipyegon Box 223 Litein, Meru ........................0643 130208Mitei, Zacharia Box 20, Kericho ..............................0522 030140Mmata, George M Box 804, Kericho.............................0522 031547Mogogosiek Tea Factory Co Ltd Bomet/Litein Rd, Kericho...................0522 020463Mohamed, Gedo A Box 1547, Kericho ...........................0522 031531Moi Gesusu High School Close to Gesusu Market, Kisii ............0725 800540Moi Minariet Secondary School Sotik//Kisii Rd, Sotik...........................052 532342Moi Siongiroi Girls Secondary School Bomet/Chebunyo Rd, Kericho ............0522 030127Moi Sitotwet Secondary School Kericho/Kisumu Rd, Kericho ..............0208 031593Moi Tea Girls Secondary School Chelimo African Highlands Rd, Kericho ......................................... 0522 031179Mokua, James I Box 90405 Enterprise Rd, Kericho .....................0522 020959Mokuasi, Milka M Box 605, Kericho.............................0522 030604Momanyi, Martha O Box 1598 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030223Momanyi, Thaddeaus Martin Box 1230, Kericho ...........................0522 021951Momul Tea Factory Co LtdKapsoit Rd, Kericho .........................0522 030225Nairobi..........................................0743 035731Monastry of Our Lady of Victoria Nakuru/Kericho Rd, Kericho...............0522 030632Morit Enterprises Ltd Isaac Salat Rd, Kericho ....................0522 030409Mosson, Ruth Box 1177 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030671Motanya & Co AdvocatesMwalimu Bldg, 3rd Flr, Moi Rd,  Kericho.......................................0518 000340 .......................................0722 359394Motein, Silas K Box 261, Litein...........052 54229Ms Express General Insurance Brokers LtdKipsigis Traders Co-Op Society Bldg,  Temple Rd, Kericho .......................0522 020914 .......................................0733 741288Mucee, Kathare S Box 1433 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 032131Mucheke, James Maina Box 305, Kericho.............................0522 030648Mugasia, Janeth Box 697 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030539Muge, D K Box 200 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020049Mugo, Solomon Kahura Box 100, Londiani................................052 64216Mugun, Fredrick K Box 587, Kericho.............................0522 021671Mugun, Kiptoo Gideon Box 420 Kericho, Menengai...................051 40261Mugun, Lilian Box 11 Kericho, Menengai.....................051 40247Mulandi, Elizabeth C Box 10 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 020361Munai, Moses M Box 142, Litein ........052 54039Munala, Victor Aluchio Box 200, Litein....................................052 54074Munga, Kimani Box 92 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 020639Mungai, Peter Kinyanjui Box 437, Kericho.............................0522 020420Musyoka, Kavee Box 170, Kericho.............................0522 021522Mutai, Edgar K Box 1978, Kericho ........................... 0522 031155Mutai, Edwin Kibet Box 95 Sosiot, Menengai ......................051 40044Mutai Enterprises Ltd Mutai Bldg, 1st Flr, Temple Rd, Kericho .........................................0722 776704Mutai Hardware Stores Ltd Opp Telkom Kenya, Temple Rd, Kericho .........................................0522 032068Mutai, Jeniffer C Box 43 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 032130Mutai, John Box 1495 Cheborge, Kericho ............. 0522 020811Mutai, Jonathan K Box 1886, Kericho ...........................0522 031551Mutai, Julius Box 145, Litein....................................052 54225Mutai, Julius Kiprono Box 197, Litein....................................052 54259KOR / MUT 
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