Page 179 - Demo
P. 179
Visit: 177Rielco Stores LtdOpp Tuskys Supermarket, Kenyatta Rd, Kericho.....................0522 031338 .......................................0721 275108Rirkos Restaurant Litein ................................................052 54036Roadside Villa Hotel Roadside Villa Premises, Kericho/Sotik Rd, Kericho..................0720 342392Robco Office Supplies Koin eei Plaza, 1st Flr, Temple Rd, Kericho .........................................0722 750077Roberts, John Box 76362 Yaya Towers, Kericho ..............................0522 030617Rolis Co Ltd Kericho .....................0721 328255Ronno, Dr Wilson Box 780 Sotik, Kericho .......................052 532008Rono, Benard Kiprotich Box 84, Litein .....................................052 54059Rono, David Box 1581 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020445Rono, David K Box 171, Kericho.............................0522 030557Rono, Dominic Kipkemoi Box 1946, Kericho ...........................0522 021555Rono, Joel C Box 1122, Kericho ...........................0522 032065Rono, Joel Kiprotich Box 120, Litein....................................052 54288Rono, Jonathen K Box 16175 Bahati, Kericho ................0522 030448Rono, Joseph Box 20620 City Square, Kericho ..............................0522 032100Rono, Joseph Box 200 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020419Rono, Joseph M Box 458, Kericho.............................0522 030615Rono, Josphat K Box 1543 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020076Rono, Petronila Box 1476, Kericho ...........................0522 020687Rono, Philip K Box 2030 Kericho, Menengai .................051 40042Rono, Rose C Box 551 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 021309Rono, Sammy Kiprotich Box 16 Kericho, Menengai.....................051 40082Rono, Stephen K Box 27 Chemaner, Kericho................0522 020060Rono, Wesley K Box 1060 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030454Rono, Wesley K Box 639 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 021556Ronoh, James A Box 100 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030397Ronoh, Kiprotich John Box 611, Litein....................................052 54285Ronoh, Leonard K Box 1357, Kericho ...........................0522 021991Ronoh, Wilson Box 395, Kericho.............................0522 021013Rop, Andrew Kimutai Box 1209, Kericho ...........................0522 020093Rop, Joseph Box 1989 Cheborge, Kericho ............. 0522 031122Rop, Joseph K Box 130 Sosiot, Menengai.....................051 40021Rop, Vincent Box 1945, Kericho ...........................0522 020432Roret Catholic Church Roret/Keveneti Rd, Litein ......................052 54480Roret Girls Secondary School Litein ................................................052 54061Rotich, Daniel Box 1162 Kericho, Menengai .................051 40078Rotich, David K Box 67 Chebunyo, Kericho ................0522 021650Rotich, David Kiprono Box 174, Kericho.............................0522 021608Rotich, Edward Box 205, Kericho.............................0522 021649Rotich, Florentious Ronald Box 1613 Kericho, Londiani ...................052 64213Rotich, Kibet Joel Box 238 Bomet, Kericho ................... 0522 021138Rotich, Mary Cheptonui Box 104 Kapsoit, Menengai ...................051 40205Rotich, Morgan K Box 1177, Kericho ...........................0522 032075Rotich, Naomi C Box 1926, Kericho ...........................0522 032008Rotich, Richard K Box 1426 Cheborge, Kericho ............. 0522 021130Rotich, Samwel K Box 40 Kiptere, Menengai .....................051 40026Rotich, Samwel Kipkemoi Box 154 Kericho, Londiani.....................052 64232Rotich, Selina Kericho ..................0522 020507Rotich, Susan C Box 1655 Cheborge, Kericho ............. 0522 032110Rotich, Weldon Kiptoo Box 298, Kericho.............................0522 030457Rotich, Zachary Kibaliach Box 407, Kericho............................. 0522 021118Rotko Insurance & Commercial AgenciesKoineei Plaza, 2nd Flr, Temple Rd, Kericho.......................................0522 030228 .......................................0721 905661Rugut, Richard K Box 219 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020124Ruto, Agnes Chepkemoi Box 77, Kericho ..............................0522 020694Ruto, Catherine Box 1264, Kericho ...........................0522 020571Ruto, Catherine Box 1018 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030446Ruto, John Kipngeno Box 234, Kericho.............................0522 030646Ruto, Moses Kibiegon Box 1413, Kericho ...........................0522 020724Ruto, Paul Kipkemoi Box 31 Kedowa, Kericho...................0522 020539Ruto, Richard Box 695, Kericho.............................0522 020723Ruto, Richard K Box 264 Boito, Kericho ..................... 0522 031148Ruto, Wilson K Box 17 Chebunyo, Kericho ................0522 020283Ruwa, C S Box 1625, Kericho..........0522 030264Rwiza, Leonardina Nobbert Box 20, Kericho ..............................0522 020033SS B Mbeche & Co AdvocatesSansora Bldg, 1st Flr, Kenyatta Rd, Kericho.......................................0522 030232 .......................................0722 840238S D Construction Ltd Stadium Rd, Kericho ........................0522 020814Saboke, Ezekiel O Box 200 Keringet, Kericho.................0522 032094Sacred Heart Cathedral Chaplaincy Kericho.....................0522 030280Safari Motor ServiceSafari Motor Service Bldg, Kenyatta Rd, Kericho.....................0522 030022 .......................................0726 740027Sagoo Motor Service LtdTemple Rd, behind Tuskys Supermarket, Kericho ....................0522 030669 .......................................0722 774255Sahara gardensSahara gardens Premises, Kericho/Nakuru Rd, Kericho ............0522 020207 ....................................... 0725 211992St Kizito Litein School For Deaf Litein ................................................052 54281St Leonard%u2019s HospitalNyagacho Rd, Kericho......................0203 527608 .......................................0722 770667St Patrick%u2019s Primary School Kericho .........................................0522 021062St Peters Early Childhood School Menengai ..........................................051 40072Salbei, Jenifer C Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 021072Samani, Ajay M Box 18 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 030137Samoei Community Response To Orpha Menengai ..............................051 40038Samoei, Joseph Kipyegon Box 161, Litein....................................052 54232Samwani Crown Enterprises Ltd Kericho .........................................0522 021626Sang, Ann Box 740, Kericho ............0522 021301Sang & Associates Advocates Koinee Plaza, Hospital Rd, Nairobi.........................0722 540145Sang, David K Box 477, Kericho.................................052 72016Sang, Eric Box 647, Kericho ............0522 030377Sang, Henry Box 2030, Kericho ...........................0522 020392Sang, Joel K Box 1196 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030674Sang, Joyce Box 20, Kericho ..........0522 031384Sang, Leonida C Box 2004 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030048Sang, Priscillah C Box 43, Kericho .............................. 0522 031112Sang, Simon K Box 42, Kericho .............................. 0522 021140Sang, William Box 668, Kericho.............................0522 030638Sang%u2019ania, Peterson Obasi Box 577, Litein....................................052 54222Santana Agencies Ltd Kapseger Plaza, 1st Flr, Kericho/Sotik Rd, Litein ....................0734 529378Santana Com-Tech Systems Litein ................................................052 54019Saramek Restaurant Saramek Restaurant Bldg, Near KTTC, Kericho/Nakuru Hwy, Kericho .........................................0202 685408Saseta Secondary School Kericho .........................................0522 021051Sawe, Fredrick Box 1615, Kericho ...........................0522 030346Sawe, Richard K Box 576 Narok, Kericho ....................0522 020045Segecha, Jonathan K A Box 306, Litein....................................052 54042Segemik Catholic Parish Kericho .........................................0522 020786Senkomo, Gerald Box 1646 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 031390Servant of The Sacred Heart of Jesus & of the Poor Kericho ......0522 030429Servants Of Jesus Litein..................052 54492Seventh Heaven Temple Rd, Nairobi ..........................0202 508616Shah, Bhavin Box 238, Kericho.......0522 020991Shah, K S Box 275 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030009Shah, Dr Nagin S Kenyatta Ave, Kericho ......................0720 700404Shah, Radiatben V Box 151 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030281Shah, Ramesh R Box 65, Kericho ..............................0522 030358Shah, Rash Milkant M Box 657 Kericho, Litein.........................052 54250Shah, Rashmikant M Box 657 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 021440Shai, Nikhil N Box 97 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 030606Shajanand Hardware (K) Ltd John Kerich Rd, Kericho ...................0522 030325Shar, Rajnikant A Box 1993 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020555Shitandy, Geoffrey Box 320, Kericho.............................0522 031354Siele, Andrew K Box 67, Litein ...........052 54055Siele, David K Box 16 Kabianga, Kericho .....................052 72084Siele, Joseph K Box 853, Kericho.............................0522 021818Sieley, Peter C Box 2057, Kericho ...........................0522 021605Sigei, Ebrahim K Box 1555, Kericho ...........................0522 031525Sigei, Fredrick K Box 173 Boito, Kericho ..................... 0522 021193Sigei, John Box 263, Litein..................052 54223Sigei, Joseph C Box 535 Sotik, Litein ............................052 54487Sigei, Wilson Box 216, Litein ..............052 54476Sigilai, K Jackson Box 115 Sosiot, Menengai.....................051 40053Sigilai, Dr Kenneth K Box 1717 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030332Sigor High School Bomet/Sotik Rd, Kericho ...................0522 030621Sigowa, Selly Chelangat Box 13, Litein .....................................052 54482Sila Munyao & Co. AdvocatesKoin-Eei Plaza, 3rd Flr, Hospital Rd, Kericho.......................................0522 021702 .......................................0721 799601Silibwet Financial Services Association Kericho ....................0522 020448Siloam Hospital Siloam Hospital Premises, Kericho/Kisumu Rd, Kericho .............. 0728 881121Simba Chai Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd Kericho .........................................0202 321893Simoti Secondary School Kericho .........................................0522 020563Simtax Business Solution Ltd John Kerich Rd, Nairobi....................0700 589589Sinei, Samwel C Box 134, Litein....................................052 54284Singh, Harbant Box 1527 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030248Siongiroi Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd Off Bomet/Siongiroi Rd, Kericho ..............0522 021042Siongiroi Dairy Plant Ltd Kericho .........................................0522 020705Siongok, Tamaru Box 14 Sosiot, Menengai ......................051 40271Sirma, Sammy Kipchoge Box 910, Kericho.............................0522 030166Skyrock Suppliers Kericho ...........0522 020424Sogoni, Fanuel S Mungotit Rd, Kericho........................0522 030284Sogoo Academy Kericho ..............0522 032163Soi, Anna Chebet Box 265, Litein.......052 54035Soi, Benard Kiprotich Box 1314, Kericho ...........................0522 021388Soi, Fredrick M Box 1511 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 021884Soi, Henry Kipsuge Box 1045 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030217Soi, K Alfred Box 44 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 020327Soi, Kibet T Box 2077 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 030513Soi, Lydia C Box 986 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 021705Soi, Williwina Cherotich Box 648, Kericho.............................0522 031560Soin Chemist Tengecha Rd, Kericho ......................0522 030634Soin Chemists Next to Sunshine Hotel, Tengecha Rd, Kericho ......................0721 299767Soma Saiga Traders Ltd John Kerich Rd, Kericho ...................0522 020506Sons Pharmacy Isaac Salat Rd, Kericho ....................0724 946274South Rift Enterprises Company LimitedTengecha Rd, Kericho ......................0522 030146 .......................................0720 330025South Western CollegeFormer Midwest Hotel, Gr Flr, Moi Hwy, Kericho ..........................0202 063784 .......................................0707 430700South Western Teachers Training College Kericho...........................0202 172467Soy Communications Ltd Main St, Kericho..............................0522 020527Stansell Pharmacy Kericho..........0522 032084Sujis Pharmacare LtdKericho/Nairobi Rd, Kericho...............0202 383024 .......................................0726 534698Sullivan, Edward F Box 1028 Cheborge, Kericho .............0522 020547Sunrise & Red Circle Kericho ......0522 020401Sunshine Hotel LtdSunshine Hotel Ltd Premises, opp Emanuel AGC Church, off Kisumu/Nakuru Rd, Kericho ..............................................0522 020021 .......................................0721 700358Surani, Sirazally Ebrahim Box 1051, Kericho ...........................0522 021880Swaminarayan Hardware And GlassesKericho .........................................0522 020356 .......................................0722 774455TTai Group Transporters & Wholesale Litein.............................052 54089Tangus, Benard S Box 950 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 030518Tangus, Christopher Box 44 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 020498Tanui, Christopher Box 61, Kericho ..............................0522 021950Tanui, Richard Kiplangat Box 30 Sosiot, Menengai ......................051 40043Tanui, Wesley A Box 565 Cheborge, Kericho...............0522 020770Tare, Rachel C Box 341, Kericho.............................0522 021034Tarsame, Singh Guray Box 53 Cheborge, Kericho.................0522 021865Tas Hotel Tas Bldg, 3rd Flr, Moi Rd, Kericho .........................0522 030089Tea Hotel KerichoTea Hotel Kericho Premises, Near Kericho Teachers College, Kericho/Nakuru Rd, Kericho ............0522 030004 .......................................0714 510824Tea Research Foundation of KenyaOff Kericho/Nakuru Rd, Kericho ............0522 020575 .......................................0722 209915Tea View School Kericho..................052 72292Tealand Chemists Ltd Kenyatta Rd, Kericho .......................0522 030080Tealand Engineering (2001) Ltd Moi Rd, Kericho ..............................0522 030017Tealand Services Station Litein ................................................052 54488Tealands Chemists LtdSansora Bldg, Gr Flr, Kenyatta Rd, Kericho.......................................0522 020133 .......................................0723 280452Technology Frontiers Ltd Posta Plaza, 1st Flr, Moi Hwy, Kericho .........................................0722 743404Tegat General Hardware Moi Rd, Kericho ..............................0522 030064Tegat Pharmacy Kericho .............. 0722 906114Tegat Tea Factory Company Ltd Kericho/Kisumu Rd, Kericho ..............0202 342946Tegunot Primary School Londiani............................................052 64219Testing Testing Kericho.................0522 021590RIE / TES