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JOA / KIR 278 YELLOW PAGES ON THE WEBJoash Ondieki Ontita Co-Advocates Meru Central Farmers Co Union Bldg, 3rd Flr, Kenyatta Hwy, Meru .................................................0643 131594Jokimu Scales Services Ltd Meru ............................................0643 130083Joseph, Anastansia Wanja Box 45 Kionyo, Meru........................ 0646 751116Juma, Abdul Rashid Box 271 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130895Juma Kassam & Sons Meru .......0643 132170Justam Investment Co Ltd Moi Ave, Meru ................................0643 131289KK.Nkanata, Francis Box 337, Meru.................................... 064 41158Kaaga Boys High School Off Meru/Maua Rd, Meru...................0643 131327Kaaga Girls High SchoolKaaga Girls High School premises, Meru/Maua Rd, Meru.....................0643 130103 .......................................0724 352871Kaaria, Francis Munyua Box 2840, Meru ..............................0643 130346Kaaria, Sebastian Box 457, Meru................................0645 051328Kabeere, Paul K Box 355 Archer%u2019s Post, Meru..................064 46043Kaberia Arimba & Co Advocates Gichunge Bldg, 2nd Flr, 24, Hospital Rd, Meru............................0643 130995Kabiti, Justus Box 533, Meru ..............064 46041Kabiti, Rhoda Box 144 Githongo, Meru ...................0643 130341Kabugo, M M Box 447, Meru ..........0645 051258Kaburu, Francis Box 509, Meru................................0646 751522Kaburu, Geoffrey Box 814 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130796Kaburu, John Box 379 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051472Kaburu, John Box 353, Meru .......... 0645 051182Kaburu, Timothy Murungi Box 54 Nkubu, Meru ........................0646 751375Kaburuki, M%u2019Kirera Box 121, Meru.................................... 064 41106Kabuteni, Francis Miungi Box 1493 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130154Kabutu, Peter M Kori Box 120 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130317Kaguri, Dorothy Box 2627 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131359Kaguru Farmers Co-Op Society Meru ............................................ 0645 051176Kaguura, Faith Kanana Box 148, Meru................................0645 051233Kahima, Osman Ibrahim Box 1 Garba Tulla, Meru ...................0643 130691Kaibe, Gerald Mwenda Box 775 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051417Kaibiria, Jane Box 1275 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131024Kaibunga, Kennedy Box 2069, Meru ..............................0643 131734Kailikia, James Box 2354 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 66014Kaimenyi, Jacob T Box 19676 Kenyatta N. Hospital, Meru ............................................0643 132821Kaimenyi, John Box 647, Meru...........064 41047Kaimenyi, Joshua Box 2690, Meru ..................................064 41006Kairikia, James Box 2354, Meru ..............................0643 130459Kaithia, Damaris Gacheri Box 55, Meru..................................0643 131368Kajuju, Ann Joy Box 2116, Meru...............................0643 131560Kajuju, Grace Box 365, Meru..........0643 130518Kaliati Farmers Co-operative Society Meru...................................064 46025Kalumu, Simeon N Box 1442 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131232Kalunge, Eliud Box 1077, Meru ..........064 66021Kamanga, Nelson N Box 321 Gaitu, Meru ........................0645 051462Kamathi, Julia Box 693, Meru.........0645 051212Kamathi, Silas Box 816 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130479Kamau, Alvin Oscar Box 50008 Nairobi GPO, Meru ...........0643 130352Kamau, Harrison N Box 10 Gaitu, Meru..........................0643 130164Kamau, Lydia K Box 602, Meru..........064 46418Kamau, Peter Macharia Box 1774 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130590Kamau, Silas N Box 160, Meru ......0645 051296Kamundi, Joshua M Box 61, Meru..................................0643 132447Kamunyu, Robert M Box 122 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130332Kananu, Grace R Box 2151, Meru ..............................0643 130750Kanario, Mary Box 590 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130553Kanyakine B Pri School Meru .....0645 051300Kanyakine High School Off Thuchi/Nkubu Rd, Meru ...............0645 051069Kara, Brimji Manji Box 997, Meru................................0643 131658Karangunyu, G M Box 23, Meru ........ 064 41011Karani, Regina N Box 54 Nkubu, Meru ........................0646 751307Karaniya Enterprises Meru..........0643 131726Karaniya, Nilesh Zaverchand Box 1549, Meru ..............................0643 131772Karanja, Paul K Box 2644 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130692Karantila, Jayesh Kantilal Box 3188, Meru ..............................0643 131558KAREN HOSPITAL LTD, THEBox 3053 - 60200 Meru Njuri Ncheke Rd, next to Royal Prince Hotel, Meru ............................................ 0707 929011 .......................................0643 131400 .......................................0643 131399Karibu Drapers Meru....................0643 130234Karimi, Bridget F Box 14 Kionyo, Meru........................ 0646 751136Karimi, Hellen Box 1384, Meru .......0643 131618Karimi, Isabella Box 51756 Athi River, Meru ...............0645 051209Karimi, Letty Karambu Box 542 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051301Karimi, Sarah Box 2966 Nkubu, Meru .....................0643 130270Karithi, Jadiel Box 2620, Meru ........0643 131789Kariuki, Barnabas G Box 639, Meru................................0643 131062Kariuki, James Box 1976 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130325Kariuki, John M Box 204, Meru ......0645 051279Karoki, Mary M Box 1567 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 46485Karongo, F M%u2019twamikwa Box 762 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130715Karubiu, Joseph Muriuki Box 1222, Meru ..............................0643 131091Karuguma, Esther Box 3278 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130653Karumbi, Rufus M Box 275 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130084Karuntimi, Stephen Mbaabu Box 2117, Meru............................... 0643 131106Karuri, Duncan Gathogo Box 25, Timau ....................................062 41004Karuru, Joyce Rita Box 757 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130828Karuti, Nahashon Box 270 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130388Karwirwa, Mary M Box 1275, Meru ..............................0643 130678Karwitha, Lydia S Box 2396 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131521Kathangari Secondary School Meru ............................................0646 751506Kathata, Patrick M Box 805 Athi River, Meru...................0643 130120Kathera Girls High School Meru ............................................0645 051079Katheri High School Meru/Katheri Rd, Meru .........................064 46068Katheru, Godfrey Box 100 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 46053Kathunkumi, Samuel Box 1475 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131032Kathure, Rebecca Box 780, Meru................................0643 131237Kathurima, L Mugambi Box 3148, Meru .............................. 0643 131163Kathurima, Nancy Kajuju Box 2355, Meru ..............................0643 130522Kaumbi & Co. Advocates Maria Arcade Bldg, Meru...................0722 595759Kaumbuthu, Margaret Box 2215, Meru ..............................0643 130498Kaura & Rwito Distributors Ltd Kenyatta Hwy, Meru.........................0643 130283Kawira, Jemimah Box 178 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130379Kebaara, Kenneth E Box 1155, Meru...............................0643 132808Kemathe, Rwaire K Box 18, Meru..................................0645 051039Kemu Sacco Society Ltd Kenya Methodist University - Meru, Meru/Maua Rd, Meru .......................0733 652630Kendi, Catherine Kinanu Box 950, Meru................................0643 131590Kens Electro Service Nanyuki Rd, Meru............................0643 130303Kentrout (1972) Ltd Timau...............062 41016KENYA METHODIST UNIVERSITYMain Campus-MeruBox 267-60200 MeruEmail: 0724 256162Mobile: 0734 310655Mobile: 0733 601884 Meru/Maua Rd, Meru.....................0643 130301 .......................................0643 131279 .......................................0643 131299 Opp Meru Law Courts, Meru .......................0643 131814 Mache Plaza, 4th Flr, Nakuru ..........................051221 44 56 ......................................051221 53 14 Sohan Plaza, 4th Flr, Nyeri.............................061203 29 04 Maua ........................................ 020211 84 39Kenya Self Sustainance And Dev Programme Misongo Bldg, Nairobi/Chuka/Meru Rd, Meru .......................................0645 051402Kenya Water For Hygiene Initiative Meru ............................................0643 131580Khamis, Said M Box 1083 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130622Kiajia, Bridget Box 472 Nkubu, Meru....................... 0645 051172Kiambati, Henry Box 416, Meru................................0643 130742Kiambati, Wallace Box 48231 Gaitu, Meru..................... 0643 131192Kiambi, Gilbert Box 63, Meru .........0645 051252Kiambi, Julius N Box 23, Meru....... 0646 751113Kiangura, Daniel K Box 59781 Athi River, Meru ...............0643 130765Kianjai Circuit Boarding Primary SchoolMeru ................................................064 66288 .......................................0725 756425Kiara, Francis Kirimi Box 322, Meru....................................064 46274Kiara, Jediel K Box 1389 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130475Kiara, John K Box 59 Nkubu, Meru ........................ 0646 751191Kiara, Lafit Box 2523 Gaitu, Timau .........................062 41413Kiara, Naftally Miriti Box 304, Meru................................0643 130482Kiautha Arithi & Co AdvocatesKCB Bldg - Meru, 1st Flr, Njuri Ncheke Rd, Meru...................0643 130206 .........................................071 197255Kibaara, Japheth Box 40 Kionyo, Meru........................ 0646 751161Kibanga & Co Adv Meru ..............0643 131730Kibara, Serah M. Box 2025, Meru ..............................0643 131637Kibinge, Francis M Box 2543, Meru ..............................0643 132006Kibiti, Erastus Box 68, Meru ...............064 46424Kibiti, Gideon Box 1046 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 46249Kibiti, Pasqualina M Box 3279, Meru ..............................0643 132079Kiboru, Francis Njagi Box 1220, Meru ..............................0643 131077Kibua, Bernard M Box 12, Meru......... 064 41162Kibue, Njoroge Box 170 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130840Kibui, Fredrick K Box 726 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130568Kieni, Silas G Box 402, Meru..........0645 051251Kigatiira, Dr Kimathi Mbogari Opp G K Prison, Meru ......................0722 917476Kihara, James N Box 457, Meru ........064 46228Kiirua Technical Training Institute Meru ............................................0718 621864Kijata Enterprises Meru ...............0643 131527Kikigwi, Gerald K Box 169, Timau...................................062 41290Kimani, Basilio Box 2299, Meru ..............................0643 130729Kimani, Dr Kamau Box 462, Meru................................0645 051382Kimani, Luke Box 106, Meru...........0643 131450Kimathi, Erastus Box 1055 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130899Kimathi, Evans Box 111, Meru........0643 130013Kimathi, James Box 30040 Nairobi GPO, Meru ...........0645 051426Kimathi, Jane Box 183 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 131454Kimathi, Lee N Box 3031, Meru ..............................0643 131307Kimathi, Mary K Box 378, Meru................................ 0645 051134Kimathi, Dr Mwongera Box 2903 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131403Kimathi, Stephen Box 1262 Gaitu, Meru ...................... 0643 131169Kimathi, Worthington H Box 1751 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130520Kimathi, Zachary Box 219 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130870Kimawil Electrical Services Kiugu & Sons Bldg, Tom Mboya St, Meru ............................................0643 132947Kimbui, Fredrick M M Box 70326 Tom Mboya St, Meru .............064 66534Kimeu, Francis Micheni Box 221, Meru................................ 0645 051157Kimonye, Peter Box 1975 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130695Kimotho, Daniel J Box 1500, Meru ..............................0643 130616Kingaru, Margaret Kanyata Box 1845, Meru ..................................064 46492Kingdom Guards Services Limited Meru/Nairobi Hwy, Meru....................0729 263933Kinjo Secondary School Meru/Nkubu Rd, Meru ..........................064 46097Kinoru Service Station Meru/Nanyuki Rd, Meru ....................0643 130387Kinoti, Erastus S Box 122 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 131006Kinoti, Festus Muriithi Box 2113, Meru...............................0643 131016Kinoti, G Zipporah Box 239 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 131253Kinoti, J G Box 1904 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130713Kinoti, M Felix Box 1729 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 46491Kinoti, Martin Box 181, Timau .............062 41097Kinoti, Monicah W Box 1220 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131223Kinoti, Paul Box 6, Meru.....................064 46413Kinoti, Stanley M Box 2924 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130698Kinoti, Susan Box 1484 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130561Kinyua, Dr H Muchri Box 8 Gaitu, Meru ...........................0643 131245Kinyua, Henry Muriithi Box 2328 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 41231Kinyua, Jacinta Wambui Box 1466 Nanyuki, Timau .....................062 41048Kinyua, Joseph Box 2328, Meru ......... 064 41153Kinyua, Lydia K Box 1181 Gaitu, Meru.......................0643 130596Kinyua, Stanley Box 705, Meru ..........064 46073Kinyua, Timothy Kirema Box 940, Meru................................0643 131388Kinyua, Tonny M Box 9, Meru........0643 131545Kiogora Ariithi Associates Advocates King%u2019ora Bldg, 1st Flr, Mboa St, Meru...........................0643 131322Kiogora, Christine Kaguri Box 92, Meru..................................0643 130385Kiogora, Marcella M Box 2861 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 46003Kiogora, Martin Box 1420 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131406Kiogora, Robert A Box 395 Nkubu, Meru....................... 0645 051128Kiogora, Stephen Box 295 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051593Kiogora, Stephen Kimathi Box 412, Meru................................0643 130280Kioko, John Kyalo Box 3293 Nkubu, Garissa..................0464 421054Kiome, Timothy Mithika Box 2988, Meru .............................. 0643 131102Kionyo Tea FactoryMeru ............................................0646 751383 .......................................0771 337338Kiraithe, Peter M Box 3180 Gaitu, Meru ...................... 0643 131149Kiraria Primary School Meru.......0643 131296Kirea, Jane Karamana Box 26, Meru..................................0643 130078Kirea, Titus Box 18603 Enterprise Rd, Meru..............064 66296Kirema, Lawi N Kirikuri Rd, Meru .............................0643 130151Kiremu, Justus Gitonga Box 367 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051443Kirera, Boniface Box 1224 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130237Kirera, Joseph Box 1022, Meru ......0643 131093Kirera, Joseph Box 1275 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130527Kirera, Nancy Kathure Box 350 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051421Kirera, Silas M Box 167 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051271