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MBA / M%u00b4RI 280 YELLOW PAGES ON THE WEBMbaya Karichu Institute Tom Mboya St, Meru........................0643 130756Mbaya, Kithinji P Box 127 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130184Mbayah, Allan S Box 161, Meru................................ 0643 131179Mberia, Joseph Gituma Box 23, Meru..................................0643 131641Mbijiwe, Caroline N Box 1842 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130708Mbijiwe, Henry K Box 1162, Meru...............................0643 130440Mbijiwe, John Kaua Box 37 Githongo, Meru.........................064 46431Mbijiwe, Moses Muriithi Box 239 Nkubu, Meru....................... 0645 051148Mbiko, Fr.Andrew Box 2218, Meru ..............................0643 130593Mbiru, Joshua G Box 54, Meru ...... 0646 751132Mbogori, Albert K Box 2059 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131436Mbogori, Ashford K Box 1477 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130821Mbogori, Bridget Makana Box 2998, Meru ..............................0643 131619Mbogori, David Kibanga Box 50 Nkubu, Meru ............................064 46239Mbogori, Godfrey K Box 705 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130408Mbogori, Josphat M Box 221, Meru................................0643 130864Mbogori, Kiambi J Box 961 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 46223Mbogori, Dr Kigatiira K Box 1987 Gaitu, Meru ...................... 0643 131153Mbogori, Moses K Box 92, Meru ....... 064 41104Mbogori, Moses K Box 1187, Meru...............................0643 130242Mbogori, Muguna Box 806 Gaitu, Meru ............................ 064 41120Mbogori, Nangithia Box 183 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 131220Mbogori, Peter Mwongera Box 40668 Gaitu, Meru.....................0643 130350Mbogua, Ayub Box 735, Meru ............ 064 41168Mboroki, J Gikunda Box 2126 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130445Mboroki, John K Box 860 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 41401Mboroki, Stanley K Box 1153, Meru...............................0643 130694Mboya, Robert Elisika Box 2582, Meru ..............................0643 131433Mbugua, Mary Wangechi Box 70296 City Square, Meru ............0643 131749Mbui, Fredrick Box 37 Gaitu, Meru..........................0643 131383Mbui, Jeremiah Box 24, Meru ............064 41015Mbui, K Joseph Box 22, Meru ........ 0645 051109Mbui, Paul Box 81 Gaitu, Meru.............064 41201Mbure, Cyrus K M Box 795, Meru................................0643 132362M%u2019buri, Alex M Box 1351 Gaitu, Meru ...................... 0643 130118Mburia, Geoffrey K Box 2879 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130004Mburia, Pauline G Box 46, Meru..................................0643 130257Mburu, Fredrick K Box 54 Nkubu, Meru ........................0646 751565Mburugu, Charles Box 506 Nkubu, Meru....................... 0645 051114Mburugu, Charles Box 950 Gaitu, Meru ........................0645 051361Mburugu, Ferdinand N Box 316 Nkubu, Meru.......................0646 751528Mburugu, Dr Franklin I Nkubu Town, Nkubu/Meru Rd, Meru ...................... 0645 051150Mburugu, Julius Box 49 Githongo, Meru......................... 064 46411Mburugu, Margaret k Box 1911, Meru...............................0643 131395Mburugu, Martha K Box 101 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051065Mburugu, Martha Kamba Box 330, Meru................................0645 051359Mburugu, Nicholas Box 9 Gaitu, Meru ...........................0645 051029Mburugu, Obadiah M Box 51 Kionyo, Meru........................0646 751515Mburugu, T Mary Box 1574 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131455Mbuva, Dr Josphat N Box 8 Gaitu, Meru ...........................0643 130936Mbuvi, Charles Box 540 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130169Mbwiria, Philip M Box 353 Nkubu, Meru....................... 0645 051171Meeme, Jane G Box 1722 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131355Meeme, Samson Box 993 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130273Meme, David Box 1049, Meru.........0643 131273Menia, Silas M Box 105 Gaitu, Meru ........................ 0645 051122Menla, Silas M Box 105 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 46061Menye, K Gideon Box 1967 Athi River, Meru .................0643 130606M%u2019Eringo, John M Box 721 Nkubu, Meru....................... 0646 751171Meru Central Coffee Co-operative Union LtdMaccu Bldg, 1st Flr, Kenyatta Hwy, Meru ..........................................0643 132051 .......................................0643 132267 .......................................0705 751628Meru Central Dairy Co-operative Union LtdMeru Central Dairy Co-operative Union Bldg, Meru Town, KPCU Rd, Meru ..........................................0203 559922 .......................................0733 554040Meru Chemist LtdMakuno Hse, Kenyatta Hwy, Meru ......................0643 130432 ....................................... 0724 561177Meru County Coffee Union Ltd KPCU, Meru...................................0787 887609Meru County Council Kenyatta Hwy, Meru.........................0724 355964Meru District Hospital Hospital Rd, Meru............................0643 132231Meru General Motors Kirukuri Rd, Meru ............................0643 130517Meru Goodnight Lodge Mosque Rd, Meru............................0643 132677Meru Health Services Ngengo Hse, Meru ..........................0643 130704Meru Highlands Schools Meru/Nanyuki Rd, Meru ....................0736 238077Meru Homes Ltd Town Hall Rm 118, Kenyatta Hwy, Meru ............................................0643 130830Meru Hospice Charitable Trust Fund Meru ..................................0643 130109Meru Junior Primary School Off Meru/Makutano Rd, Meru .............0643 130353Meru Matt Ltd Meru......................0643 130764Meru Maxillofacial Clinic Meru Maxillofacial Clinic, Ghana St, Meru ............................................0724 800021Meru Medical Diagnostic Imaging Centre Ltd Meru Teachers Hse, Kirukuri Rd, Meru ............................................0643 130530Meru Medicare Chemist Tom Mboya St, Meru........................0643 130657Meru Municipal CouncilKenyatta Hwy, Meru......................... 0202 311078 .......................................0728 535268Meru National PolytechnicMeru Technical Training Insitute premises, Meru/Nanyuki Rd, Meru ..............................................0202 386139 .......................................0719 347059Meru (Nkubu) County Council Meru ............................................0645 051221Meru North Farmers Sacco LtdMeru ............................................ 0642 021104 .......................................0729 592515Meru Paralegal Community Based Org Meru.....................................0643 131221Meru Paramount HotelMeru Paramount Hotel Bldg, Tom Mboya St, Meru......................0643 131981 .......................................0708 152007Meru Primary School Meru/Nanyuki Rd, Meru ....................0643 131080Meru Safari Hotel Meru Safari Hotel Bldg, Opp Meru Police Station, Kenyatta Hwy, Meru.........................0725 259852Meru Saleem Academy Meru .....0721 256566Meru School Meru/Maua Rd, Meru .......................0643 132307Meru School for Mentally Challenged and Autistic ChildrenMeru/Maua Rd, Meru .......................0643 132743 .......................................0731 602799Meru Service Station Meru/Nkubu Rd, Meru ......................0643 132856Meru Slopes Hotel Meru Slopes Hotel Bldg, Next to Nakumatt Meru, Meru/Nanyuki Rd, Meru .................... 0711 620219Meru Steel Ltd Meru ....................0643 131538Meru Teachers College Meru/Maua Rd, Meru .......................0717 527752Meru Teaching and Referal HospitalMeru Level 5 Hospital Premises, Hospital Rd, Meru .........................0202 178248 .......................................0710 654407Meru Uniforms Ltd Meru..............0721 368819Meru University of Science & Technology Meru/Maua Rd, Meru .......................0712 524293Meru Variety Store Ltd Njuri Ncheke St, Meru ......................0643 132143Meru Wakulima Stores Meru Town, Meru ............................0643 131429Meru Water & Sewerage Services Meru Water & Sewerage Services, Nakumatt, Kinoru Stadium Rd, Meru .................................................0643 132591Meru X-Ray Services Njuri Ncheke Rd, Meru .....................0643 131485M%u2019Ethangatha, M Joseph Box 854 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 66468M%u2019Etunga, Gerald K Box 154 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130894Mfariji Cfca Sisters Of St Francis Timau ...............................................062 41426Miathene Secondary School Meru ............................................0202 063540M%u2019Ibuithia, S M Box 2867, Meru ..............................0643 130878M%u2019Iburi, Alex M Box 1351, Meru ..............................0643 130823M%u2019Ibutu, Gilbert Box 564 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130637M%u2019Ibwithia, Stephene G Box 76 Kionyo, Meru........................0646 751547M%u2019Ikiara, Godfrey M Box 70 Nkubu, Meru ........................0646 751568M%u2019Ikiara, Latif Box 2523 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130769Mikindia, Murugu Box 950, Meru................................0645 051481M%u2019Ikiugu, Karani Box 40, Meru...........064 46449Mikumbune Health Centre Meru ............................................ 0646 751173Mikumbune Secondary School Mikumbune Off Nkubu, Kionyo Rd, Meru ............................................0645 051316M%u2019Ikunyua, Eliud Box 41213 Gaitu, Meru.........................064 41213M%u2019ikunyua, Francis K Box 1995 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130804M%u2019Ikunyua, Justus K Box 92 Gaitu, Meru..........................0643 130949M%u2019Ikuri, M%u2019Mukindia Box 37 Gaitu, Meru..........................0643 130362Milimani Maternity & Nursing Home Milimani Area, Meru..............0725 401247Milimani Service Station Kenyatta Hwy, Meru.........................0643 130922Miller, Lynn M Box 2287, Meru........0643 131584M%u2019Imanyara, Stephen M Box 251, Meru................................0645 051091M%u2019Imara, Stephen Box 1368, Meru .............................. 0643 131191Minenge, Cecilia Kinya Box 119 Githongo, Meru .......................064 46276M%u2019Iniu, Murungi Box 172 Kionyo, Meru ......................0646 751517M%u2019Inoti, Francis Box 1463, Meru ..............................0643 130643Minoti, Julius M Box 474 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 46209M%u2019Inoti, Loise Nkatha Box 8, Meru ...................................0643 131305M%u2019inoti, Maingi Box 1915 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 46416M%u2019Irambu, S Matiri Box 74 Githongo, Meru.........................064 46410M%u2019Irianki, Gilbert M Box 54 Nkubu, Meru ........................0646 751373Mirithu, Samson I Box 431 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 66456Miriti, Grace Box 2845 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131409Miriti, Joseph Box 426, Meru .......... 0643 130113Miriti, Muthaura M Box 602 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 46439Miriti, Patrick R M Box 438 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051210Miriti, Samuel M Box 602, Meru .........064 46287Missionery Of Mary M Meru............064 46254Mithega & Kariuki AdvocatesRoyal Business Park, 5th Flr, Meru ........................ 0643 131140 .......................................0721 318010Mito Construction Meru ............... 0643 131184M%u2019Itonga, Luka G Box 142, Meru................................0645 051387Mitu, Fredrick Box 2355, Meru ........0643 131346M%u2019Itunga, Ephantus K Box 2567 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 46417M%u2019Itunga, J M%u2019Kirera Box 288, Meru....................................064 46048M%u2019Itunga, Muriungi Box 37, Meru.......064 46075M%u2019Iturithia, Reuben Nturibi Box 3129, Meru ..............................0643 131684M%u2019Karichia, Esther Ngeeta Box 190, Meru................................0645 051274M%u2019Kiambati, Joseph Box 110, Meru ....................................064 46062M%u2019Kirera, Cornelius Box 1248, Meru ..................................064 46277M%u2019Kirima, Stephen Marete Box 993, Meru................................0643 130826Mkm Thibaru & Co. Advocates Njuri Ncheke St, Meru ......................0729 377663M%u2019Kugia, George Muriungi Box 701, Meru................................ 0645 051195M%u2019Kuura, Charles K Box 101, Meru.................................... 064 41133M%u2019larama, Destus M Box 153, Meru....................................064 41071M%u2019Magiri, Douglas Kiruja Box 3048, Meru .............................. 0643 131121M%u2019Magiri, Joseph K Box 2313 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130315M%u2019Marangu, Ndege Box 291 Gaitu, Meru ........................0645 051371M%u2019Marangu, Silas Box 155 Gaitu, Meru ........................ 0645 051149M%u2019Marete, M%u2019Inoti Box 2325 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 41057M%u2019Mbijiwe, Margaret K Box 384, Meru................................0643 130701M%u2019Mbui, Alfred M Box 54 Nkubu, Meru ........................ 0646 751189M%u2019Mburia, Bernard K Box 20 Kionyo, Meru........................0646 751516M%u2019Mburugu, Isabella Box 1931, Meru ..................................064 41059M%u2019Mburugu, M%u2019Muga Box 22, Meru.................................. 0645 051110M%u2019meru, Arthur Meru ....................0645 051019M%u2019Mugambi, Ezekiel Murithi Box 54 Nkubu, Meru ........................ 0646 751138M%u2019Mugambi, Japhet Box 2392, Meru ..................................064 46050M%u2019Mugambi, M%u2019Ringera Box 129, Meru....................................064 41406M%u2019Mugambi, Mwereru S Box 54 Nkubu, Meru ........................0646 751558M%u2019Mugambi, Rima F Box 8 Gaitu, Meru ...........................0643 130799M%u2019Mugira, Catherine Box 1889 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130519M%u2019Muguna, Jane Rose K Box 2377 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130954Mmuna, Kirimi Box 139, Meru ........0643 130378M%u2019Mungania, Gilbert K Box 381, Meru....................................064 46059M%u2019Murungi, Stella Kinanu Box 536 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051485M%u2019Murwithania, Samson Box 28, Meru......................................064 41267M%u2019Mutea, Raphael G Box 614, Meru................................0643 130602M%u2019Muthamia, Daud M Box 56 Kibirichia, Meru......................... 064 41139M%u2019Muthamia, M%u2019Marete Box 1901 Gaitu, Meru ..........................064 41334M%u2019Muthamia, M%u2019Rintari Box 82 Gaitu, Meru.............................. 064 41122M%u2019Mutiga, Stanley K Box 597 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130846M%u2019Mwarania, John Nteere Box 1568 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130693M%u2019Mwirichia, Daniel M Box 1164 Gaitu, Meru.......................0643 130892M%u2019Mwirichia, Samson Nteere Box 217 Nkubu, Meru.......................0646 751392M%u2019Mwitari, Julius N Box 750, Meru....................................064 46455M%u2019Nairobi, K G Box 321, Meru........0645 051420M%u2019Nanjau, Gerald Box 1 Kionyo, Meru .........................0646 751509M%u2019Nkanatha, Mwirigi Box 181 Gaitu, Meru ............................064 46042M%u2019Nthiiri, Mwiti C Box 1077 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131306Mobil Meru Service Station Kenyatta Hwy, Meru.........................0643 130364Mogo, Zakayo Box 2280 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130046Mohamed, Hassan A Box 1927 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 130284Mohamed Moti & Sons (K) Ltd Njuri Ncheke St, Meru ......................0643 132718Mohamed, Shariff Box 1009, Meru ..............................0643 132323Mohammed, Fathiya A Box 150 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130955Mokku, Hassan Duba Box 1220, Meru ..............................0643 131750Moses, Julia M Box 703 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130427Mosyoki, Julius K Box 1803, Meru ..............................0643 130978Mount Kenya Jambo Park Hotel Meru/Nkubu Rd, Meru ......................0710 627296M%u2019Raaria, Justus Box 370, Meru ........064 46238M%u2019Raing%u2019oni, Erastus N Box 681 Gaitu, Meru ........................0645 051265M%u2019Raria, Pancras N Box 6 Gaitu, Meru ...............................064 66532M%u2019Rewa, Basilio G Box 1322 Gaitu, Meru ......................0643 131208M%u2019Rimberia, Moses M Box 107 Nkubu, Meru.......................0645 051062M%u2019Rimberia, Samson Mwenda Box 485, Meru................................0643 131583M%u2019Rimunya, Japhet M Box 442 Gaitu, Meru ........................0643 130430M%u2019Ringera, Cyprino Box 3128, Meru ..............................0643 130744